I offer specific services to swimmers and swimming clubs!

I am an NCCP level 2 swim coach and have been involved in the sport of swimming since childhood as a swimmer, as a coach and now as a Nutritionist-Dietitian.

I understand the sport of swimming as much in terms of the physical challenges as in terms of the challenge of planning an optimal diet for a swimmer on a daily basis and in competition

I have a full right to practice as a Dietitian-Nutritionist in Quebec and Ontario and under certain conditions, I can also practice in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and the Territories.

I offer several services to athletes and clubs. I am genuinely curious to hear your questions and your needs. Do not hesitate to contact me.

Mariane Boyer


Examples of Services Offered to Swim Clubs and Swimmers:

  • Individual private consultation for athletes (offered virtually).
  • Anthropometric measurements of athletes and followed by blood tests.
  • Effective and targeted workshops for teams, swimmers and parents that can be offered in virtual format.
  • Nutrition planning support for training camps or away competitions.
  • Management of the food supply during competitions.
See the workshops available for free registration ($16 / workshop). Several workshops are targeted for swimmers.

Ressources (in progress):

Nutrition at a swim meet:
French English


Whether for a simple information, or for a meeting, do not hesitate to contact me!